the Arabic language

The Arabic language is not easy to learn .
Garcia is also researching on the Arabic language and culture at the same time .
Sadly , though , the Arabic language lessons I , d requested never happened !
" You seen incredulous ," said Monte Cristo who repeated to Ali in the Arabic language what he had just been saying to Baptistin in french .
These ancient Egyptian scripts were replaced by Coptic script , but eventually the Arabic language replaced the Coptic , and this cut off the linguistic link between ancient and modern Egypt .
For example , working in an Arab country like UAE makes you learn and understand the Arab culture , Arabic language and respect a new religion .
He went to the Middle East where he assaulted the arabic language .
The Qur'an was able to hold the Arabic language in thrall from the moment it was revealed .
The ancient Chinese farming culture and Arab nomadic culture have both exerted great effect upon the Chinese language and Arabic language .
The next day , February 7 , we entered the Strait of Bab el Mandeb , whose name means " Gate of Tears " in the Arabic language .
The algorithm uses the binary trees and data construction of stacks so that it saves the locations and improves the speed of output . we develop the Arabic language rules for contextual analysis as the actual application